Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today was not a good day for me. It wasn't so much aches and pains, though thats how it all started. I wanted to finally get out of the house, go be part of the world... and it didn't happen. During the week, to keep my husband sane I stay home with the girls, because of the shaky spells, random dizzyness and anxiety attacks. The anxiety always strikes while pregnant. No idea why. So I rely on my weekends for getting out of the house and feeling like I am a normal person.

I didn't sleep in today, not because I couldn't, David is amazing at letting me sleep in on weekends when he is home... I just couldn't sleep. Surprise, surprise. I need the sleep and it just doesn't come. Looking at pictures of myself recently I feel like I look like a walking zombie. I definately do not feel attractive, something hard for me to deal with right now. So when I get compliments on how I look, it makes my day, hell it makes my entire week. Its the little things that please pregnant women, or non-pregnant women for that matter.

Headache from hell attacked me today. I haven't had a headache like that in who knows how long and I sure hope another one doesn't plan on visiting me anytime soon! I spent most of the day lounging on the couch with my amazing husband taking care of the kids, cleaning outside and the cars. Right now I am upstairs with the kiddos while they watch movies so Daddy can be in the garage with his buddies for much deserved guys night of poker. That man deserves that and so much more.

There are months to go in this pregnancy and already things as simple as walking up the stairs leave me a bit winded. It makes me feel like a wimp. Really, who is out of breath walking up the stairs of their own home? Ugh. And here I am whining again... I detest whining.

Tomorrow will be a better day... I hope.